Priority Areas
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Image & Action
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Process of Form and Modeling
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Active Matter
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Architectures of Knowledge
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Collecting & Exhibiting

The priority area »Form Processes & Modelling« focuses on the disparate conditions and processes for the development and modification of form in nature and culture, as well as the relationship between form and model. This analysis is centred on intrinsic and extrinsic design factors, and their functional and historical conditionality. In this context, it analyses the characteristics of forms and the conditions of their emergence, as well as exploring the interactions between form, its materialisation and perception. In addition to cognitive processes, it also considers subpersonal processes in which the human body is instrumental in the development and perception of form through motor resonance and habitualised influences. The diverse forms of production, application and evaluation are examined as creative forms of knowledge and with regard to the models and instruments applied in the sciences. As every form of knowledge is a form of representation expressed in its design, the priority area »Form Processes & Modelling« is one of the cornerstones of the Excellence Cluster Image Knowledge Gestaltung.

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