
Peter Schirmbacher

Interdisciplinary Laboratory

Professor Dr. Peter Schirmbacher was director of Computer and Media Services and Professor of Information Management at the Institut für Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft (the Berlin School of Library and Information Science) at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Furthermore he heads the area »Elektronisches Publizieren« (electronic publishing). Other current areas of research and work are the DFG (German Research Foundation) project »Re3Data« on web-based proofs for research and analysis of research data repositories such as the DFG project »LAUDATIO«, which is a repository for sustainable storage and allocation of research data for historic linguistics. He is member of the Media Commission of the Academic Senate and the Multimedia Steering Committee at Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and the group »Verwaltungsnetz« (Administrative Network).

Research fields

Information management.