
Mario Schulze

Interdisciplinary Laboratory

Mario Schulze studied Cultural Science, Sociology and Philosophy at the University of Leipzig between 2005 and 2011. As a student, he worked at the Holocaust Centre in San Francisco, »Augusta Raurica« – the Roman town near Basel, the Zeitgeschichtliches Forum Leipzig (forum for contemporary history) and the German Historical Institute in London. In 2015 Mario Schulze completed his doctoral dissertation (under the supervision of Philipp Sarasin and Anke te Heesen) on »The History of the Museum Object (1968-2000)« in the department of Cultural Analysis of the University of Zurich. A scholarship from the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes (German National Academic Foundation) and residencies at the Museumsakademie Joanneum in Graz made possible research into the history of knowledge and museums. Furthermore, he taught at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (together with Christian Vogel and Anke te Heesen), at the University of Zurich and at Goethe University Frankfurt am Main.

At the project »Mobile Objects« Mario Schulze was a researcher on the sub-project: »The mobility of museum objects. The boom in exhibitions and movement of international exhibits in the 1970s«. Using the example of the touring exhibition  »Treasures of Tutankhamen«, which first featured at the British Museum in 1972 and was thereafter dubbed the first international »blockbuster exhibition«, he examines relationships between the flows of objects on an international scale, as well as the mania for exhibitions. The enormous success of the exhibition, which toured for more than ten years, allows for a reconstruction of the logistical, diplomatic, cultural theory-related and legal efforts which went into the mobilisation of treasures and people.

In January 2018 Mario Schulze was assigend as an Associated Member of the Cluster.