
Julia Weitzel

Interdisciplinary Laboratory

Julia Weitzel received her B.A. in Art History and Archeology from the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz. She began studying at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin in 2014, where she is currently pursing an M.A. in Culture Sciences. She focuses predominantly on audio-visual perception as well as theory and history of early sound documentation. She took part in the collaborative piece »Vielleicht wurde die Sprache erfunden, um die Taubheit zu vergessen« (Maybe language was invented to forget deafness) in the exhibition »KlangSehen« that took place in the fall of 2015.

Julia Weitzel has been a student assistant in the Project »Gender & Gestaltung« since March 2016. She helps organize and carry out the project’s events, lectures, and publications.