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Friederike Schäfer

Interdisciplinary Laboratory

Friederike Schäfer studied History of Art and North American Studies (with a focus on Sociology and Cultural Theory and History) at Freie Universität Berlin and the School of Art, University of Washington, in Seattle. From 2009 to 2013 she worked for the KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin and for dOCUMENTA (13) and as a co-curator she developed and realised the interdisciplinary research and exhibition project »Das Schwarm-Prinzip. Performative und politische Schwärme in der Kunst« (2012 at NGBK, Berlin and 2013 at Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof, Hamburg). She works as a freelance curator, author and co-editor of »Metropolitan Views«. In May 2013 she returned to academe to complete her Ph.D. project with the working title »Claiming Spaces. On the Artistic Production of Spaces in Flux«.

Further research interests

Contemporary art and exhibition practice, theories of space and the public, urban studies, architecture and urbanism, Berlin art scenes, American art and cultural history.