
Fabian Scholz

Fabian Scholz is a Research Assistant in the Project »Architekturen Experimente« and an architect. He studied architecture at Technische Universität Berlin, at Sangath Ahmedabad and at EPFL Lausanne. Having graduated in 2012, he then worked with Fernando Menis, SANAA, UBERBAU and LIN. He taught at the Laboratory for Integrative Architecture (LIA) at TU Berlin and has been a registered architect since 2016. Among other things, he won one of ten first prizes with his temporary practice ARGA16 at the M20 Museum of the 20th Century ideas competition and was present at the Architecture Biennale Lyon 2017 with the collaborative project »L'Observatoire des Îles Blanches«. Since 2018, he is part of the architecture agency 0101 based in Nantes, France.