Anne Letsch

Anne Letsch

Interdisciplinary Laboratory
Priority AreaProjects:

Anne Letsch is a senior physician at the medical clinic of Berlin's Charité centre, Benjamin Franklin campus, her specialist subjects being haematology and oncology. She is head of palliative care at the campus and leads the working group »Integrated Supportive and Palliative Cancer Care«. Her clinical work and research interests focus on patient-centred and -oriented work with the aim of developing new concepts for integrating supportive and palliative care in the field of cancer. Further interests include tumour-related fatigue, tumour immunology and innovative early clinical studies. Her many years of clinical experience are of particular relevance to the »Empathy« project, since she has dealt with the challenges of treating cancer patients, especially in relation to competence with patients, treatment planning, illness processing, prognosis awareness, therapeutic decisions, symptom assessment and treatment and the coordination and improvement of supportive measures.