
Anna Arbuzova

Interdisciplinary Laboratory
Acquisition of Third-Party Funding
Interdisciplinary Laboratory

Together with Anne Hattwich and Tim Kawalun, Anna Arbuzova will facilitate grant application for the Cluster. Since 2007 she led BMBF and DFG funded projects at the Institute of Biology, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin. She has coordinated two grant applications for Marie Curie Initial Training Networks (ITN), EU FP7-People Programme.  Membrane biophysics, nanomaterials, and drug delivery systems are her research fields.

Anna Arbuzova studied Physics and Biophysics at Moscow State University in Russia. After her Ph D work at Biocenter of Basel in Switzerland, she continued research as a Post Doc at the State University of New York at Stony Brook, New York, USA.  She is used to work in an interdisciplinary environment.